Sunday, March 22, 2009

Virtual Logistice Group- Desiree, Justine, Tarz

Virtual Logistics
To present this project before the event we could have facebook groups and twitter information to let everyone know about what is happening. This could be done with various images of peoples eyes staring out at the viewer on applications such as facebook. We will give information on what is happening, where it is happening and when everything will be taking place. This will also give the possibility to update people with any needed information like location and time.

To virtually present this project during the event we plan to capture it via two laptops with webcams. These laptops will be attached to two projectors which will project the image of the competitors’ eyes in extreme close up onto opposing walls inside the main entrance of the school. This way the bystanders will be able to watch each competitor during their staring match and can see who wins and loses. We will also have one main video camera to capture the entire event as it’s taking place with all it’s surroundings so that when it comes to the final video the viewer can fully comprehend the entirety of the event.

After the event we plan on posting a copy of the videos we have recorded onto youtube with possibly a soundtrack of the class’ choosing that we feel emulates the event. Also, we could have a copy of the video in the library for those who wish to view it at school.

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