Purpose- to experience LIFE in an afternoon by playing a real live version of the board game
First we would create a life size board game- this could be done through drawing on the path or sidewalk with chalk, spray painted on the grass, rope on the grass dividing a square pathway etc.
We would create cars out of boxes very simply and paint them different colours (red, green, blue, yellow, orange)
We would create cars out of boxes very simply and paint them different colours (red, green, blue, yellow, orange)
Dress student in blue and pink garbage bags- depending on gender- cut hole in top for head and holes in sides for arms
we would construct a spinning wheel like the wheel in the actual board game for the movement of players.
1- students dress in garbage bags and choose car
1- students dress in garbage bags and choose car
2- students would spin the wheel to decide who goes first
3- students would choose to go to one of two places (school or work)
a. option variations:
i. school or work
ii. OCAD or work
iii. Design Stream or Art Stream
a. option variations:
i. school or work
ii. OCAD or work
iii. Design Stream or Art Stream
4-students travel along path collecting money and paying taxes just like the real game of life.
5-students will then get married and choose a spouse to travel in the car with them (have a person standing to the side to pretend to marry the two individuals under a constructed archway.)
6- then students will choose a house to buy for their life with their spouse. These houses will be cardboard cutouts that they can carry in their car with them while continuing the game. (houses can include studio apartment in Toronto, house, mobile home, etc.)
7- now the students will have children( we will use dolls) and they will choose from a deck of cards that could say things like:
Congradulations: it’s twins/ it’s a boy/ it’s a girl/ you have now become the Pit’s and have adopted the entire box of babies.
*students then continue along the pathway until they reach the end*
8- the students can now retire and cash in their earnings they have collected throughout the game with the LIFE Money and buy candy with it at the end of the game when they park their cars in our designated parking zone.

All materials would be recyclable(cardboard) or could be donated afterwards to the school or other administration.
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