Sunday, March 15, 2009

Project 2- Final Toy Proposal by Laila Siddiqui


Action Twister is a new, innovative version of the regular game of twister. It is a four player game, and has a similar kind of spinning arrow card that decides what block the player lands on, but instead of having coloured dots, this game has numbered blocks which have different actions on them. So whatever number the spinning arrow lands on, the person has to put one of their 4 free limbs on that number and perform the action associated with it.  The combination of different actions performed at the same time is what makes the game fun!

This toy/game is designed for users from the age of 15- 25, as this is the age where people are the most active, and still have a streak of childhood in them. However, this game does not limit any age group from playing it as it depends solely on the person's capability to be active and their want for having active fun. The game/toy is intended to be sold at department stores such as Walmart and Zellers, due to its reasonable price range and easy accessibility of the buyers to these stores which are present in almost every corner of the city

Action Twister is going to be a fun game because it will remind its players of their childhood fun playing the regular twister, but this would be a more fun and age appropriate game at this point in their lives. It is more exciting because the players don't only have to play with the coloured dots, they actually have to perform funny actions while playing. This game can turn out to be a huge hit and an ice breaker at get togethers and parties where adults hang out and have a good laugh over the silly actions they had to do with other players. It is a great activity where people actually have to get up and play, and experience feeling young by being active, instead of just sitting in one place, which can be boring.

To make the game/toy more interesting in the future, the makers could change the actions and add new ones, which would intrigue people and make them want to buy it again. Also the change would prevent the game from being monotonous.

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