Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Project Two - Final Toy Proposal - Charles Gao

Custom Manga Character kits


Majority of Male Manga characters get a similar head shape.
The difference between them is their expression, which is rather drawn on a flat surface.

The concept of this toy is a kit which can be used to create majority of manga characters.

• As shown on picture above, Majority of male characters share a very similar head shape. Majority of female characters share a similar head shape. Similar for boy characters and girl characters.
• By manipulating their hair style, clothes, redraw their expression. One character can be easily transformed to another one completely.

So, What’s a basic kit composed of?
• A removable head which people can “paint” on and repaint easily.
• removable hairs in different hair styles and colors.
• One body with basic clothes on.

Different clothes, backpack, glasses, pets, headphones, Shoes, Scarf, Hat, facial hair, bodies, and much more can be sold separately as accessories.

It can be used to create currently existed characters or characters from imagination.

User testing:

A prototype with paintable hairs and head is constructed to get feedbacks.
By observation, some people like to try to paint the hair but get bored after a while without finish it. No one tried to paint the head itself.
The result shows that people like to try it but do not have patient to finish it up. Reason for the result is probably because of the complicate nature of painting process itself. Nowadays people have so much pressure on them and therefore lack of concentration and patient in “playing”. People rather like to see the instant result and direct feedback, instead of wasting time on painting and cleaning afterwards. Direct feedback will also invite people to take actions.

Based on the result from user testing, the major improvement from prototype is to completely remove the painting process.

How can it be achieved?
1: All the hairs are preprinted already, so there is no painting required on the hairs.
2: Incorporate technology from PC drawing tablet. Make the 3D head a pressure sensitive screen. User can use special pen to “draw” the expression on the face and use the back of pen to “erase”.

3: Surface is special treated to give a frosted feel, so that it is inviting people to touch and make it easier to draw on.

Why the toy is fun?

This toy is actually combined many factors of fun together.
l It is made of interesting material. (Soft plastic for hairs and frosted feel of head).
l Different bright colors are used together to make it more eye catching and more fun to look at.
l This toy can be highly customized; different accessories are available to create a unique toy for each user. Therefore fit a variety of personas.
l The fact that people can trigger an action and get a direct response creates confidence and invites people to do more with the toy.
l The toy is very cute.
l This toy is highly poseable, people can use it to create different characters in different settings or “fool around” to create silly poses or expressions.
l Last and most importantly, for people who love manga, it is definitely a toy for them. Recreate famous characters can bring them back to the memory of the manga story. By creating the character of their own, they can fulfill their dream as a manga character designer.

How it works?

Target consumer and Marketing Strategy:

This product is a perfect choice for manga lovers. However, many other people may love it because the fact that it can be highly customized to special looks which fit different personas. Therefore the target of this product can be ranged from 6 year old to young adult. Since it gets many small parts, it may not suitable for children below 6 years old.

This custom kit will be sold as follows:
One basic kit contains a removable head to “draw” on, 3 common hair styles with different color, a body with jeans and jacket on and finally a digital pen for “drawing “and “erasing”.

Accessories can be sold as kits also.
l Kit to create completely new characters form imagination. For example: urban outfitter kit which contains different urban clothes, hair style, headphones, shoes, and backpack etc.
l Or, kit to recreate a well-known manga character. For example: dragon ball kit which contains different hair styles, clothes of Goku in different sittings.

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