Sunday, March 1, 2009

Project 2 - Final Toy Proposal - Katie Goulet

Story in a Book - The game for everyone and anyone to enjoy!

Story in a Book is a fun activity that can be modified to work for almost any age group. Although the object appears to be only a book, when opened, one will find that there is no story inside, but rather a strange combination of objects.

How it works:

The first "player" reaches into the book without looking and pulls out an object. They must begin a story using this object as the subject, and are only allowed to say four lines of story. The next player does the same thing, only this time they must continue the previous story line with their new object. This continues until the book is empty, or players can choose to put their object back in once it is empty and re-pull them out, providing that they do not repeat an already said event or idea.


Story in a Book can be modified, simply by changing the objects on the inside. The first version of Story in a Book contained characters and objects that catered to a much younger audience, with fairy-tale like objects, like a princess hat, magic wand, and a dragon like creature. After user testing with people between the ages of 18 and 25, it was determined that  a much more random and mature set of objects could be placed inside, and this would allow the story lines to become more interesting, humorous and all around entertaining. The new object package now contains things like a small red recliner chair, a fetus, and a sweatshirt.

Why is it fun?

Story in a Book was also tested on younger kids, between the ages of 6 and 10 and all really enjoyed the creative aspect, and that they could make up their own bedtime story.
The concept of Story in a Book is to allow anyone who chooses to play to simply be creative and imaginative without the help and restrictions of familiar characters and scenarios. The possibilities of stories are endless and can be renewed simply by choosing another package of objects, or by putting your own found objects into the book.
Story in a Book is a great game for small children to use their ever-expanding imaginations and proves to be an excellent party game for people of all ages, where the scenarios and story lines become completely ridiculous and creative. 
Story in a Book also pushes adults to be more creative, as many of us often lose that simple imaginative way that we once were as children, and this is a small window of opportunity for us to re-experience it and possible re-gain it.

Story in a Book - Future Possibilities
To keep Story in a Book fun and exciting, as well as culturally relevant, the makers will 
continue to produce new packages of objects with the possibility of creating themed packages as well as random mixes


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