By Sarah Sien
It’s a nice sunny day in July, the perfect day for a field trip. 9am in the morning, twenty 6 to 7 years old kids from the day care centre were all excited about their first field trip to the super market during their summer holiday. The crew of 25 strolled down the street to the supermarket nearby. When they arrived, Annie, the leader, instructed her kids, knowing that she already collected two dollars from each of their parents. Annie led the crew to the snacks aisle and then stopped.
“Attention everyone,” she said gently and slowly.
“Today, I am going to give you a task to complete within 20 minutes.”
“Each of you may go down the aisle and pick something that you want. But, there is one rule, you will only have a twoonie, anyone know how much is a twoonie?”
“Two da-lars!” A few kids shouted.
“Right, very good, so it means whatever you pick have to be less than 2 dollars!”
Some nodded and two answered with “ok”
“So, how do you tell the price of an item?”
“The price taggie!!” Donna said proudly.
“Yes, you are right Donna,” Annie clapped slightly and then continue, “there will be a price tag under each product, and you are only allow to pick one that you can purchase with a twoonie and then place them in this buggy.” She pointed to a buggy in front of her. “Everyone understand?”
“uh hah”, “yaa”, “yesss”, “yup” and a few of them did not respond.
“Ok, I will put you in groups of four.”
Annie assigned four kids to each helper and then she reminded them with “You will get to bring them home with you tonight and it will be a good idea to get something that you can eat later, so remember to get something that you will not waste.” She smiled at them, then nodded at the helpers, and off they went.
Annie took four kids to the snacks aisle including Donna.
Donna is one of Annie’s favourites, not only because she is cute looking, but very smart and obedience as well.
Donna laid her eyes on this sealed box, no pictures, only the word “Markus Gold” and a tiny teddy bear taped to the side. She grabbed it right away then threw a quick glance at the price tags and then sadly pouted because they were over two dollars. Annie noticed her expression and soften her voice to ask her what was wrong.
She pointed to the price tag and said, “I want this,.. but it'z over two daalars”
“Oh” Annie kneeled down and replied “What is this that you want, Donna?”
“I don’t know what is inside but this teddy bear is very cute” She rubbed the toy, “and I want to bring her home!”
Annie thought for a second then leaned closer to Donna and gently said “I am sorry Donna, but I don’t think you can bring this home, it’s not a good idea to buy something like this just because of the toy it comes with.”
Donna nodded twice and placed it back on the shelf.
Annie smiled pleasantly at her and thought to herself, "oh, I wish every one of them in the centre react exactly like Donna."
15 minutes later, everyone met at the exit, one helper named Bella took the products the kids picked to the cash register. She focused on the price screen as the cashier started swiping the things. The cashier started with hazelnut spread at $0.62, crab salad at $1.19, pepper at $0.39… and suddenly her cell phone rang, so she kept her eyes off the cashier while answering her phone.
When she hung up, there were only three items left, ..egg waffles at $0.57, and 2 chocolate crispy at $1.29 each.
“The total is 18 dollars and 1 cent” The cashier informed her.
She gave her a twenty dollar bill and a penny from her pocket and took the bags of food.
When they got back to the day care centre, the helpers handed the kids their things, and then Annie heard a familiar voice complaining. It was Donna, she was looking at Jenny, a kid holding the “Markus Gold” box in her hand along with the teddy bear Donna wanted badly.
“This is not fair, Annie said you are not allow to buy this! You CHEEEATER!” Donna cried.
Annie frowned and almost fainted.
Apparently, one kid succeeded in sneaking the box out due to some helpers’ careless mistakes.
It took a while to calm the kids down, especially Donna, she cried and cried for hours until she threw up and fell asleep.
Annie thought to herself: "I wish the kids are not influenced by the way Donna acted today, oh gosh."

Julie just came home from several different supermarkets with a bunch of things for the party that will take place at her house very soon. While the food are in the oven, and everything is set to go, she decided to make use of the time and do some research on the internet about random things. A site with “Simple D.I.Y Decorations that will attract attentions and compliments at your party” came up on the search engine. She clicked on it and it’s a site that teaches people to decorate sugar cubes. They were beautiful. She just bought some sugar cubes this morning, so she decided to give it a try. She read over every single suggestion, comment and direction on the site. She followed the steps carefully, dumped the ones that turned out bad in her cup of coffee. The phone rang; she ignored it, the oven timer buzzed; she shut it off, the door bell rang; she couldn’t hear it. She was thinking about what kind of compliments she will receive and fantasizing how people will even ask her for autographs. At least five hours passed, her stomach made a noise, she took a seep of her coffee “YUCK! why is this soooo sweet?” then “OH CRAP 11:35pm?!!!? WHAT in the world...! 67 missed calls!!??!” and she ended up with 27, or more, scolding voicemails.
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