This blog is dedicated to Jesse and Maya's Monday morning section of Introduction to Experience Design at the Ontario College of Art and Design, Winter 2009.
A lazy man's wife is on a business trip. He stays home accompanied by his son.
Son: Dad, what are we going to eat for dinner?
Dad: I think we get plenty of food in the refrigerator. There must be something to eat.
Son: There is food in the refrigerator, but we don't have anything to drink. Plus we are short of onions.
Dad: Can we just get it over tonight. I am really tired and don't want to go out.
Son: Mom is going to be back in the evening. We should have a small celebration, you know.
Dad: Oh, come on .Give me a break! All right, let's go out to buy something.
In the grocery store.
Dad: Listen, you go to pick up what you want and I am going to pick up what I need. We meet in the check-out after five minutes.
Son: All right sir!
After five minutes, Dad gets leek and fink beer while his son gets onion and coke.
Son asked Dad: Why we need leek? We get onion already. Aren't they serving for similar purpose?
Dad answered: Did you mention your mom is coming back tonight? I think she enjoys leek over onion.
Son: I forgot to tell you, she is coming back next week, not this week.
Dad: Anyway, I will take all of them. Let's go home.
Sam knew he needed to go shopping for such an important occasion, he knew it but it was one of those things he had been avoiding because it was a complicated process.
It was two weeks ago when he had been shopping in Pennywise grocery. He managed to pull himself out of a lonely nights sleep, throw on a pair of ripped jeans and brush his slightly greying hair. What kinda' creepy man shops alone at my age , he grumbled to himself while looking in the mirror. Yes it was two weeks ago in Pennywise where he had met Sookjeet. You see Sam was a clumsy man, a tall awkward man whose legs worked in mysterious ways, and it was merely by chance that one of those legs had bumped right into Sookjeet's cart sending a bunch of bananas toppling to the floor.
Sookjeet was a pleasant woman of Indian decent, she was small and happily plump with shoulder length brown hair and a smile that would melt your heart. She also had a small boy with her of about five. Sookjeet explained that the bananas were no problem at all and smiled her wide smile, in fact she was so friendly that they continued to make small talk. At first it was just this and that, but this and that soon turned into interesting and meaningful conversation. Before Sam even knew what had happened he invited Sookjeet over for a small lunch, he didn't see a wedding ring on her fine little hand and really he had nothing to lose. Sookjeet agreed and they exchanged information,
Now the day had come and Sam needed to go shopping again like the lonely old man that he was, but previous to this Sam had been fretting. At first he had started to worry about what to serve for lunch, he was unsure of what Sookjeet liked to eat, or what she could and could not eat. He stayed up at night for hours preparing various meals in his head and presenting them to her. After he had figured that out he had a new source of endless worry, Sookjeet's child. He started to ponder, what if Sookjeet had a husband and was slipping out during the day while he was out? Sam had never had any kids and he never looked after any as a kid, how would he deal with a small boy if they started a relationship? What if she had more children? What if the boy hated him? Would she bring her son over? The answer seemed obvious to Sam that she would.
At the store Sam picked up various items for lunch, small thin crackers for soup, and a bag of pears to put in his fruit bowl to make it look like he was healthy. He also picked up a few packs of mint tea which he enjoyed and hoped Sookjeet would too. He wanted to serve rice with his meal but wasn't quite sure which kind was best, he picked up two kinds just to be safe, and maybe Sookjeet could help him figure it out. Finally as Sam was getting ready to check out he walked over to the toy aisle. Sam bought trucks, many, many trucks as many trucks as he could carry home with him. All boys must love trucks he thought happily to himself I'm sure Sookjeet's son would love these.
But on his way home Sam had second thoughts: what if he doesn't like trucks, what if these trucks aren't safe for playing? What if they have lead?
Sookjeet arrived on time and Sam was nervous and sweaty. "Where is your son?" he asked, seeing no boy with Sookjeet.
She paused looking confused and raising an eyebrow. "My son?" She asked "The boy that was in the cart with me?
Sam nodded
"Oh that was the neighbours son that I was babysitting for the afternoon. He's at home with his family now"
Sam sighed with relief and asked Sookjeet what kind of rice she wanted.