Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Project One Blog Post Example

Below is an excellent example of the blog post component of Project One that was prepared by a group of my students from last year.


Project One - Opening a Pop C

Our interaction

For this assignment we studied the process of opening a pop can and some possible problems that occur.

Map of the pop can opening

The interaction of opening a pop can is necess
ary in the context of a consumer society, in which people often drink out of cans for convenience. Without the opening, the product has no purpose.

What are the steps of interaction?
The steps of this interaction where designed to be quick and simple.

a. The first step is putting your finger (either middle or index) on the small space between the lever and the end of the pop can as seen in image one.

b. The second step is to lift the lever, by putting your finger underneath it and pullin
g backwards

c. The third step is to pull all the way to the other side of the rim so as to puncture the opening with the pressure.

d. The final step is to bring the lever back to it's original location so
that the drinking whole is not obstructed.

Where does this interaction start and finish?
For our study, we specified our research on the opening o
f the pop can. Therefore, in the case of our project, the interaction would end when the opening would be punctured and the lever returned to it's original position. But on a larger scale, the interaction of using a pop can is in fact completed when the beverage is finished and the consumer is ready to dispose of it.

How does the design direct the interaction?
The design and the location of the opening instantly triggers automatic hand placement of the consumer. The signal-noise-ratio is well executed in pop can openings because there is never any sort of distraction from this interaction on the actual product. Presumably, this is why there usually are no advertisements on the top of the can.

Take a look how it's done:

Unfortunately, the design does not take into consideration manual malfunctions. The lever is very closely located to the base of the top of the can, which make
s it difficult for some consumers to lift. Thus defeating the concept of convenience because of external tools (such as keys, knives, other the like) are needed. 75% of people interviewed expressed some sort of difficulty when opening the can. 95% of them where male.

Elements that are most commonly problematic

Our Design Proposal
After ethnographic research, our team concluded that in most instances, the goal of opening the pop can to drink the beverage within it is usually met, by one mean or another.

However, the percentage of people who struggled was too large to ignore. This is why in our redesign proposal, we decided
to elevate the lever and make it and it's attachment out of a thicker concentration of metal.

It is a minor change which could not be too costly and hard to get used to,
and would facilitate the opening of the pop can for many of those who have difficulties.

Remember, every interactive experience will require a unique format - don't assume that this format will work for your deconstruction.

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