The Lid Lifting Can Opener
By: Katie Goulet, Nicole Hieter, Justine Galea and Sarah Sien

For our project we chose the study the process of opening a can with the lid lifting variety. We also studied the problems that can occur during the interaction.
Flow Chart


Without the can opener, the food industry would be in a very different state. With the introduction of canned foods, the can opener was an essential piece of equipment for access and participation in an affordable and convenient lifestyle.
The Steps of Interaction

Step 1: Get both your can opener and you can.
Step:2 Open Lever and place the blades on rim of can.
Step 3: When blades are resting properly on rim, squeeze the lever shut, you will feel the blade puncture the can.
Step 4: Twist the knob to start opening the can.
Step 5: Twist the knob until you make a full pass around then can, then use the opener to lift off the lid.
Ethnographic Research Video
When and Where does the Interaction Star and Finish?
The interaction takes place in the kitchens and restaurants around the world. It starts with a person wanting to prepare food, and ends with and empty can, detached lid and a completed meal.
How does the Design Direct the Interaction?
The design really only allows one to play around with the situation of the blades. As for one of our common issues, users know what needs to happen, but cannot place the blade properly to preform the task. This is because of its lack of instructions and physical directions.
Most Problematic Elements of Design
The most frustrating issue with the can opener was the lack of easy instructions. From our research, many people couldn't use it simply because of this reason. Some brands didn't even come instructions leaving their users completely stranded and hungry.
Another issue was that the blade would let go of the lid too soon and the user would have to use their fingers to remove the lid, leaving them open for getting cuts from the jagged aluminum. There needs to be a way to make sure the lid stays in contact with the opener during the entire process.
Improvements to Design

Improvements to the design would be to include magnets surrounding the blades, allowing for the opener to stay in contact, making for easier cutting and easier removal.
Also, another improvement would be to include more concise, simple instructions on a fridge magnet to ensure the user would always have the directions for use on hand.
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