I absolutely love my iMac desktop computer, and here are a few reasons why........
Affordances: The iMac is a powerful and multi-functional computer. It's sleek and stylish design sets it apart from all the other computers in the world. This affordance is what attracted me to this computer, because instead of having the monitor and computer separate, Apple built the
computer into the monitor, thus creating the best designed desktop in the world. Another affordance is the simplicity of its operation. You don't have to think about anything, the applications are right before your eyes in the toolbar at the bottom of the screen.
Mapping: I love the way the interface is mapped out. Instead of having all the icons for your applications clustered on the desktop, the iMac has a toolbar at the bottom of the screen wherein the applications are contained in an organized manner. This really helps to reduce desktop clutter. The only important icon on my desktop is for the "Mac HD", which contains all my files and which I can access with just one click.
Visibility: My favourite feature on the Mac would have to be the toolbar at the bottom of the screen because it lays out the applications in such a way that the user always knows where the application is that they're looking for.
I've been using this printer for years and it has always given me trouble. The problem is not in the way it operates, but in the way it interfaces (or doesn't interface) with my computer. Every time I want to print successfully, I have to unplug the printer cable from the USB port at the back of my computer and from the printer, and turn the printer off and let it sit for about 15 seconds
But even when I plug everything back again, sometimes the problem isn't fixed. Usually I am able to print 1-2 sheets before having to unplug it and try again.
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