Bradley Crystal

I love my iMac. I spend a lot of my day using it for work and school. Aside from looking very sleek, my iMac is jam packed with incredible software that lets me be creative. The keys of the keyboard are mapped to each letter and the edges of the screen create constraints for the mouse pointer. An issue with the iMac which has been resolved on the MacBooks is that it does not visibly show you when it is on but asleep. The large 24 inch screen is a great affordance for working with design software.
Apple makes fantastic products and I can't ever imagine not owning at least one of thier computers.

I loathe my Scientific Atlanta Explorer 3250HD High Definition Digital Cable Setop Box. This little devil has to be the most dysfunctional designed piece of equipment in the 21st century. I don't understand why in 2009 we are using something which looks so horrible. The part I hate the most is the menu system and guide. It looks like a bad web page from the 90s. The default menu is an awful pink colour and it looks like a bad designer stretched it beyond its native resolution. If this is a "High Definition" device, what is stopping it from displaying a beautifully designed crystal clear menu and guide? I will say, the status of the device is very visible when turned on and the mapping of the buttons, especially the navigation buttons is faily intuitive. However, the contstraints placed on this device do not make sense. There are ports and slots on the front such as the USB port. It is not clear that these features have been disabled by Rogers however they are still there and I want to know what they are for and how I can take advantage of them. Perhaps if this was the case I might like this thing a tiny bit more.
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