Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Top Experience Prize- Magic Sustenance

The experience everyone liked the most was the magic sustenance, where people could plant seeds into a huge patch of soil and fruits and vegetables would come up to the surface immediately.


Reasons for liking the magic sustenance:

-         Free Fruit

-         The idea of getting something from nothing was interesting to the audience.

-         Also, the fact that the coming up of the fruit and vegetables was so unexpected made it exciting and fun.


Improvements that could be made to it:

-         The experience could be more clear in terms of what it was about.

-         It would be better if there were less root vegetables and more fruits.

-         The experience could have had a better Extension; there was a place where people could eat the fruit but it was very messy and hidden. Maybe the eating area could have been a bit larger and less messier perhaps.

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