Monday, April 6, 2009

Exercise 10 - Joshua Frechette

Sorry, but my computer at home couldn't download the pages as a template, so....
Attraction Stage
  • See;Banner, Scoreboard, Chairs, Cameras
  • Hear; Host speaking
  • Touch;gamer cards that are passed out in the lobby
  • Emotional state;Intrigue, nostalgia,curiosity
Entry stage
  • See;Gamer cards
  • Hear; The host explaining the rules
  • Touch;Filling out gamer cards
  • Emotional state;Nervousness
Engagement stage
  • See; Staring, crowd looking on,
  • Hear;camerapeople counting down, crowd cheering on
  • Emotional State;Competitiveness, Focus
Exit stage
  • Stares being projected on wall
  • Taste;Cookies
  • Emotional state;Accomplishment or Failure
Extension stage
  • See;Website, including gamer cards and documentation
  • Emotional state;Amusement
Ethnographic field observations.
  • Participants were mostly students from a variety of years, however several participants were from an older demographic
  • The "Staredown" banner is partly obstructed by two pillars
  • There is a table with Sharpie pens,paper cards and cookies
  • There are two chairs and two camera facing each other, behind the table
  • The game's rules and game cards are explained by the host
  • After filling the cards with name and email info, participants await their turn
  • Each match lasts three rounds (best 2 out of 3)
  • The winner has their win marked on their card and posted on the scoreboard
  • The participants are told they can return as often as they want and play again
  • The winner gets a cookie
  • they are also told that their stares are being projected on the walls in the hallway

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